Belgium in the Czech Republic Make an online appointment Make an online appointment at our embassy. Address and opening hours Contact details, opening hours, closing days and map of our Embassy in Prague. Open positions and internships This page provides an overview of our vacancies and internships. Travelling in the Czech Republic All the useful information if you are travelling to the Czech Republic. Consular services In this section you will find information about your registration, how to apply for an identity card or passport, etc. Legalisation of documents On this page, you will find all the information on how to legalise a document. Frequently asked questions Overview of frequently asked questions to the Embassy. Travel to Belgium All the information you need when travelling to Belgium. Loss or theft of documents What to do if your identity card or passport is lost or stolen? Electronic identity card and Kids-ID Information on the electronic identity card and Kids-ID. Passport Information on the Belgian passport. Consular registration Information on your registration at the Consulate General. Are you travelling to the Czech Republic? Check the travel advice before you leave for all the important information when travelling abroad. Read more... About us Who's who and jurisdiction of our Embassy in Prague. Make an online appointment Make an online appointment at our embassy. Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter.
Address and opening hours Contact details, opening hours, closing days and map of our Embassy in Prague.
Travelling in the Czech Republic All the useful information if you are travelling to the Czech Republic.
Consular services In this section you will find information about your registration, how to apply for an identity card or passport, etc.
Legalisation of documents On this page, you will find all the information on how to legalise a document.