Embassy in Prague

All practical information on our Embassy in Prague.

About us

Who's who and jurisdiction of our Embassy in Prague.
  1. Last updated on


The Embassy in Prague is responsible for the Czech Republic.

Who's who

Federal diplomats

Jurgen Van Meirvenne
Address: Valdštejnská 6, Malá Strana, 118 01 Praha 1 
Tel.: +420 257 533 525, Fax: +420 257 533 750 
Email: prague@diplobel.fed.be

Adrien Vernimmen
Counselor & Consul 
Address: Valdštejnská 6, 118 01 Praha 1 
Tel.: +420 257 533 524 / +420 257 533 798; Fax: +420 257 533 750 
E-mail: prague@diplobel.fed.be

Defence attaché (non resident) 

Colonel Jan Maenhoudt
Tel.: +32 2 4416586,  +32 478 920 635
Email: jan.maenhoudt@diplobel.fed.be

Delegation of Flanders

Koenraad Van de Borne 
General Representative of Flanders
Address: Valdštejnská 6, 118 01 Praha 1 
Tel.: +420 257 532 484 
Email: prague@flanders.eu

Economic and commercial representation of the Walloon region and Brussels-Capital region

Frédéric Delbart
Economic and Commercial Counsellor
Business Development and Technology
Address:  Klicperova 604/8, 150 00 Praha 5
Tel : +420 224 934 570
E-mail: prague@awex-wallonia.com
Web: wallonia.be / wallonia.cz / investinwallonia.be / hub.brussels

Economic and commercial office of the Flemish region

Markéta Borůvková  
Head of the Office, Flanders Investment & Trade
Address: Valdštejnská 6, 118 01 Praha 1 
Tel.: +420 257 530 626 
Email: prague@fitagency.com